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SSC Grants

SSC offers two different grant options in support of student-driven sustainability projects, the Planet Blue Student Innovation Fund (PBSIF) and the Social and Environmental grant (SES). Read more about each option below, and please do not hesitate to reach out if you are unsure about which grant is the right fit for your idea/project or with any other questions.

Email or click here for a list of additional on-campus sources of funding for student projects.

Planet Blue Student Innovation Fund

Apply for up to $50,000 this semester through the Planet Blue Student Innovation Fund (PBSIF) if you or your student organization is working on a project with  long-lasting impact that addresses a campus sustainability challenge and enhances campus-wide student engagement with sustainability. Project and application must be student-generated and student-driven. Staff and faculty are also welcome to submit grant applications as long as they clearly specify what the student involvement and learning outcomes will be from the project.

The Fall 2024 application link will be available on August 19, 2024

Letter of intent (required for entry) deadline: TBA

Application deadline: TBA

Past PBSIF projects

Learn more about PBSIF

Social and Environmental Sustainability Grant

Apply for up to $2,500 through the Social and Environmental Sustainability (SES) grant if you or your student organization is working on a small-scale project, event, or initiative that addresses campus sustainability or social sustainability. Projects awarded funding through the SES grant are not required to have an equal focus on environmental and social criteria. Projects pertaining to either social or environmental sustainability are eligible, however the co-consideration of both topics in any project is encourage by the SSC team.

WinterThe Fall 2024 application link will be available on August 19, 2024

FALL 2024 application deadline: TBA

Past SES projects

Learn more about SES